12 Commandment of Cyber Protection

Organisations have various security controls in place. EDR or MDR, Network protection, SIEM, SOC, Email security, and many more. But still, we see data breaches, we see successful attacks, and we hear news after news. There are couple of key take aways from what we saw in the past couple of months in Australia and […]

A Visual Guide on Cyber Threat Hunting

Components of Threat Hunting: Threat Hunting Steps: How is it implemented and what involves in each step: Threat Hunting Workflow: How to include Threat Hunting in your cyber strategy: If you would like to know how CyberDNA can help you in threat hunting, please contact us here.

Brand Protection Partnerships

New or developing issues in brand protection demand that firms work with others to protect their brand integrity. These partnerships can encounter challenges in initial formation, problem identification and strategy development, and managing relationship dynamics. But, once they are established, partners learn how to deploy a common strategy and how to execute it throughout the […]

Cyber Breach and Impacts on Brand

Uber confirmed on 15th September 2022 that they’ve been hacked. Multi Factor Authentication fatigue provided the malicious actors, internal access to a PowerShell script that had hardcoded administrator credentials saved in it. With that, they could gain access to several internal resources such as OneLogin password manager, GSuite, Duo and many more. Eight days later, […]